My pre-race jump! |
Well, this isn't your usual fashion write-up, but it is an awesome experience that I highly recommend! I am talking about a race that I ran in a few weeks ago, the
Warrior Dash. Now, this isn't your run of the mill 5k... it is a bit more of an obstacle course where the muddier you get, the more you are revered!
The infamous mud pit! |
Let's just say that when a friend of mine brought up the idea of running, I thought this was the best idea ever... however, that was over birthday drinks! Then, the next day when I looked up the race (and the course) I started to have second thoughts. Let's just say that I am not one that likes to get dirty. A good sweat is okay, but mud... no way!
Alright, so I committed. I started "training", felt great and then we put our house on the market and moved over the summer. Running was not my top priority. The day of the race comes, I hadn't run in 6 weeks, but I figured I can handle 3.25 miles, no problem! However, when you walk in to the base of Windham mountain (that's right, our race took place on a SKI mountain!!!) I started to freak out a bit!
The start of the race... complete with torches! |
I forgot to mention that this race is only part of the day, after you run there is plenty of beer, music and crazy people who decided to dress up for the run! So, after the first heat started, the torches were going off (at the start of the race), the music was blaring and we decided to jump into a giant "pillow" (I think this is what stunt people use)... I finally felt my blood pumping... I was ready to go!
Ready to run! |
Then, it was our turn... we lined up, we counted down, the torches started flaring and I began running up the mountain. This is when I realized that I should have been running for the past 6 weeks! The first half of the race is up the mountain with a few obstacles mixed in, but once you make it to that point you think you are in the clear... until you come to the water! This is when it hits you... you must embrace the whole experience and just jump... there is no going back now!
So, I did. I thought I was going to die going up the mountain. Then, I got in the water, and I really thought I was going to die! It was at least chest deep and soooooo cold! I could barely breathe. You just have to force yourself through. The group of people that you are running with as well as the people cheering you on really help! Once I climbed out, I felt so good! I was so proud of myself... I could do anything after that! And believe me, I did! I ran through the woods, the mud, down a mountain, face first on a slip 'n slide into mud, jumped over fire, and at the end... I went through the mud... on my hands and knees!
The fire... slip 'n slide is in the background... |
That's it the race is over. I am covered in mud, soaking wet, I got my medal and I am so happy! It was so much fun! So much fun, that I am planning on running in two of these next year! The sense of accomplishment is intoxicating... not to mention after you try to rinse as much mud off as possible, and change your clothes... the beer tastes so good!
Warrior Dash Champs! |
I was one of 15,000 people who ran that weekend. Why? It has to be for the escape. Escaping the daily responsibilities of adulthood, while you get to run, climb, get dirty, etc... just like being a kid again. Plus, it is such a fun environment! Everyone is pumped up, supportive and ready to have a good time! I highly recommend to everyone looking for a little adventure!
Some of the runners... |
And on a style note, it is best to wear dark colors... unless you want everyone to know how muddy you were by the end. And, dri-fit clothes are the best! They help when you are soaking wet with half the race to go!
- Allison
Grace & Emma |